Between Earth and Sky

Exploring the relationship of memory to body, materials, and place, as well as desire for harmony, peace, joy and humanity, Between Earth and Sky is a site specific multi media project. Comprised of a live performance, found object sculpture-instruments, fiber, sound and a performative video, the work was created in collaboration with Grokhovsky’s students during her time at UC Davis as Visiting Professor in The California Studio: Manetti Shrem Artist Residences.
Between Earth and Sky, 2023, performance for video, hand-dyed vintage parachute canopies, plaster bandages, found fabric, wire. Performers: Katya Grokhovsky, Alice Herbert, Drew Babagay. Filmed on location at Meridian Jacobs Farm, Vacaville, CA. Photos Jamal Gunn Becker.
Between Earth and Sky, 2023, live performance, procession, found object instrument-sculptures, hand-dyed vintage parachute canopy, found fabric costumes. UC Davis Campus Grounds and Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, Davis, CA. Performers: Katya Grokhovsky, Alice Herbert, Drew Babagay, Madeline Del Rossi. Photos Bea Augustin.