Bad Woman
Bad Woman is a project, which explores a concept of an alter ego and a shadow-persona, based on ideas of defiance and expression of intergenerational rage and protest against ongoing war on women and bodily autonomy by employing combinations of performance, costume, found objects, sculpture, installation and video. Bad Woman discredits the ever encroaching oppressive patriarchal construct of society through humor, absurdist actions, activations and interventions in different locations and sites.
Interview, Cultbytes, 2024
Featured in Doing Feminism Book, 2021
Heroine-ity Exhibition Catalogue, 2021
Contemporary Art Review L.A, 2018
ArtSlant Prize IX Winners Exhibition Essay, 2018
Performance is Alive Feature, 2018
Preview in HuffPost, 2017

Bad Woman, 2024, 3D printed masks, fake fur, wall paint, performance, 1 hr. Ekard AIR, Bucknell University, PA. Performers: Katya Grokhovsky, Kelsey Werkheiser, Sierra Fancher. Photos Jeffrey Burrell.
Bad Woman, 2017, plaster, chicken wire, acrylic, IKEA furniture, plywood, found objects, wig, paper, HD video. Seventh Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
Bad Woman, 2017, performance for video, 13 mins, filmed in Melbourne, Australia.
Bad Woman, 2019, documentation of performance, 30 mins, One Eyed Studios, NYC, video Izabela Gola.
Bad Woman, 2019 at the Rape, Representation, and Radicality, TFAP @ CAA, organized by Christen Clifford and Jasmine Wahi. February 16, 2019, New York Hilton Midtown.
Bad Woman Bad Bunny, 2018, found objects, plywood, wigs’ acrylic, fabric, clothing, HD video, TV sets. ArtSlant Prize Winners Exhibition, SpringBreak ArtShow, NYC. Photos Walter Wlodarczyk.
Bad Bunny, 2017, 3 mins, filmed at Wassaic Artist Residency, NY
Bad Woman Bad Bunny, 2017, 19:11 mins, performance documentation, ArtSlant Prize Winners Exhibition, SpringBreak ArtShow, NYC.
Bad Woman Bad Bunny, 2018, installation, performance, 30 mins. ArtSlant Prize Winners Exhibition, SpringBreak ArtShow, NYC.Photos: Walter Wlodarczyk.
I Want to Be a Bad Woman, documentation of performance, 2018, 15 mins, The Situation Room, Los Angeles
Bad Bad Woman, 2017, performance, HD video, toys, props, 3 hrs, Performance is Alive, Satellite Art Show, Miami Beach, FL. Photos Quinn Dukes.